Illinois Cares for Kids
Illinois Cares for Kids is the one place Illinois parents, grandparents, caretakers, teachers, and child care providers can access all things related to early childhood in Illinois.
Illinois Cares for Kids is the one place Illinois parents, grandparents, caretakers, teachers, and child care providers can access all things related to early childhood in Illinois.
Gateways to Opportunity is a statewide professional development support system designed to provide guidance, encouragement, and recognition to individuals and programs serving children, youth, and families.
ExceleRate Illinois is a statewide quality rating and improvement system designed to make continuous quality improvement an everyday priority among early learning and development providers.
Birth to Five Illinois works in every community in the State to understand how families are accessing local Early Childhood services, to inform decisionmakers and the community about the Early Childhood services families say they need in each Region, and to bring local community members together to take action and close the gaps they identified.