Illinois Child Care Data
The following reports and publications have been produced by INCCRRA or have been significantly impacted by data and/or analysis conducted by INCCRRA.
Illinois Assessment of Home Visiting Workforce Needs
The Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (INCCRRA) worked alongside the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) and Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) to conduct the first Illinois Assessment of Home Visiting Workforce Needs. The study was funded through the 2023 Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five Planning Grant (PDG B-5). Data analyses and focus groups with home visitors informed how we can best support the field and reduce staff turnover. Specifically, we analyzed home visiting salaries across program models and funding streams and held focus groups with rural home visitors and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) home visitors to collect their thoughts and recommendations about salary increases, incentives, and credentials, related barriers, and many other factors contributing to recruitment and retention of the home visiting workforce.
Market Rate Survey of Licensed Child Care Programs in Illinois FY2023
In order to receive Child Care and Development Fund (CCFD) funds, every state must conduct a market rate survey or use an alternative methodology to analyze whether child care subsidies adequately allow child care subsidy recipients equitable choice and access among child care providers. This report includes analysis of data as of December 31, 2022, to determine the market rate for child care as defined by license status, type of care, child age, and geographic region.
Illinois Salary & Staffing Survey of Licensed Child Care Facilities FY2023
This report describes: (1) the number of qualified caregivers attracted to vacant positions and any problems encountered by facilities in attracting and retaining capable caregivers; (2) the qualifications of new caregivers hired at licensed child care facilities during the previous two-year period; and (3) the average wages and salaries and fringe benefits paid to caregivers throughout the State computed on a regional basis.
SDA Profiles
The SDA Profiles provide a quick glance at wage and benefit data from the Salary and Staffing Report on the SDA and Country level.
SDA 1 | SDA 2 | SDA 3 & 4 | SDA 5 | SDA 6 | SDA 7 | SDA 8 | SDA 9 | SDA 10 | SDA 11 | SDA 12 | SDA 13 | SDA 14 | SDA 15 | SDA 16
Annual Child Care Program Report FY2023
As required by State Statute 20 ILCS 505/5.15, IDHS annually submits a report to the Governor and the General Assemby on the status of the Bureau of Child Care and Development's Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP).
Illinois Staffing and Salary Survey of Home Visiting Programs Report
The Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (INCCRRA) worked alongside the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) Bureau of Home Visiting (BHV) and Start Early to conduct the first Illinois Staffing and Salary Survey of Home Visiting Programs: Fiscal Year 2023. This survey was open to all Illinois home visiting programs, regardless of their funding streams, and utilized quantitative and qualitative analyses to assess the number of home visitors, applicants and their qualifications, home visitor demographics, and the average salaries and benefits offered. Other areas assessed by the survey include information pertaining to fiscal management, enrollment patterns, staff turnover rates, and professional development. As the state works to strengthen and expand support for families, it is critical to understand the workforce trends impacting home visiting program leaders.
Birth to Five Illinois Early Childhood Regional Needs Assessments
The Birth to Five Illinois Department of the Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (INCCRRA) received support from the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) and the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) to produce 39 Early Childhood Regional Needs Assessments (one for each of the State’s 39 Regions). Each report presents publicly available quantitative data and qualitative data from caregivers, Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) professionals, and other community stakeholders collected through Action Council and Family Council meetings, focus groups, interviews, community meetings, and surveys. Throughout the process, regional barriers were documented, and recommendations were developed based on identified needs of families. These reports are living community documents designed to give both community members and State decision-makers insight into the areas of ECEC needs, as determined by local families and stakeholders in each Region.
Illinois Child Care COVID Impact Report
The Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (INCCRRA) received support from the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) to closely examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the early childhood education industry in Illinois. This report explores some of the overarching effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the state's early childhood educators, parents, and the industry as a whole from March 2020 to June 30, 2021. Using a mix of quantitative and qualitative analyses, we researched changes in enrollment, funding, staffing, finances, virtual learning, and more. Among other things, we found large differences in enrollment, new changes to keep everyone safe, and high stress levels among providers and staff members.
Child Care Annual Report FY2021
As required by State Statute 20 ILCS 505/5.15, the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) submits an annual report to the Governor and Illinois General Assembly about the status of its child care program. The program is administered by the IDHS Division of Early Childhood (DEC), formerly the Office of Early Childhood. This report includes information on the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP), including response to the COVID-19 pandemic within CCAP and Quality Improvement Programs. The 2021 Illinois Child Care Report includes information for the Fiscal Year 2021 (July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021), FY20 and FY19. The data in this report are from: a) the Child Care Management System (CCMS), b) the Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies' (INCCRRA) aggregate database of the local Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) parent customers, child care providers, and professional development activities; and c) the Gateways to Opportunity Registry. IDHS thanks the thousands of center-based staff, family child care providers and CCR&R staff for their support in the care and education of Illinois children. The Illinois Department of Children & Family Services (IDCFS) is the agency responsible for licensing child care providers.
Market Rate Survey of Licensed Child Care Programs in Illinois FY2021
In order to receive Child Care and Development Fund (CCFD) funds, every state must conduct a market rate survey or use an alternative methodology to analyze whether child care subsidies adequately allow child care subsidy recipients equitable choice and access among child care providers. This report includes analysis of data as of December 31, 2020, to determine the market rate for child care as defined by license status, type of care, child age, and geographic region.
Salary & Staffing Survey FY2021
High quality child care improves children's experiences and developmental outcomes and also contributes to a prepared, productive, and stable current and future workforce. Practitioners who work in child care settings are responsible for the quality of care and early education provided to children and their families.
SDA Profiles
The SDA Profiles provide a quick glance at wage and benefit data from the Salary and Staffing Report on the SDA and Country level.
SDA 1 | SDA 2 | SDA 3 | SDA 4 | SDA 5 | SDA 6 | SDA 7 | SDA 8 | SDA 9 | SDA 10 | SDA 11 | SDA 12 | SDA 13 | SDA 14 | SDA 15 | SDA 16
Illinois' Early Childhood Education Workforce 2020 Report
The Gateways to Opportunity Registry was established in 2009 to be a comprehensive workforce data repository for Illinois' early childhood education professionals. This report provides rich, descriptive data about the workforce and addresses topics including demographics; education, preparation, and ongoing training; credentials attained; wages; and turnover/longevity.
The Workforce Behind the Workforce
A 2020 Snapshot of Illinois' Early Childhood Educators.
Illinois Salary and Staffing Survey of Licensed Child Care Facilities FY2019
This report describes: (1) the number of qualified caregivers attracted to vacant positions and any problems encountered by facilities in attracting and retaining capable caregivers; (2) the qualifications of new caregivers hired at licensed child care facilities during the previous two-year period; and (3) the average wages and salaries and fringe benefits paid to caregivers throughout the State computed on a regional basis.
Market Rate Survey of Licensed Child Care Programs in Illinois FY2018
In order to receive Child Care and Development Fund (CCFD) funds, every state must conduct a market rate survey or use an alternative methodology to analyze child care subsidies adequately allow child care subsidy recipients equitable choice and access among child care providers. This report includes analysis of data as of December 31, 2017, to determine the market rate for child care as defined by license status, type of care, child age, and geographic region.
Illinois' Early Childhood Education Workforce 2017 Report - (Executive Summary)
The Gateways to Opportunity Registry was established in 2009 to be a comprehensive workforce data repository for Illinois' early childhood education professionals. This report provides rich, descriptive data about the workforce and addresses topics including demographics; education, preparation, and ongoing training; credentials attained; wages; and turnover/longevity.
The College Enrollment and Completion Patterns of Gateways Credential Holders - (Executive Summary)
This Study examines the recent interactions between Gateways Credential holders and post secondary institutions in Illinois, and includes analysis related to characteristics of credential holders, completion of post secondary degrees and certificates, and some attributes of enrollment and persistence within Illinois community colleges, as well as public and private bachelor's granting institutions within the state of Illinois.
Illinois Salary and Staffing Survey of Licensed Child Care Facilities FY2017
This report describes: (1) the number of qualified caregivers attracted to vacant positions and any problems encountered by facilities in attracting and retaining capable caregivers; (2) the qualifications of new caregivers hired at licensed child care facilities during the previous two-year period; and (3) the average wages and salaries and fringe benefits paid to caregivers throughout the State computed on a regional basis.
Infant Toddler Teacher Quality Initiative – Task Force Policy Recommendations
The Infant Toddler Teacher Quality Initiative (ITTQI) Task Force was convened in spring 2016 through a partnership between the Robert R. McCormick Foundation and INCCRRA with support from key state agencies including the Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Development, Illinois Department of Human Services Bureau of Child Care and Development, and the Illinois State Board of Education. The task force was charged to develop a comprehensive, statewide set of recommendations designed to ensure a well-qualified, infant/toddler teacher workforce will support achievement of Illinois substantive goals related to positive child and family outcomes as related to key federal and state initiatives ultimately improving the quality of services provided through strengthened infant/toddler teacher preparation. This report is reflective of the collective work and vision of the task force.
Infant Toddler Workforce - Professional Development Needs and Gaps
This data brief describes what we have learned through Illinois’ Infant Toddler Teacher Quality Initiative (ITTQI) about the professional development needs and preferences of the infant/toddler workforce, as well as the characteristics of professional development opportunities that current exist for this workforce.
Characteristics of the Infant Toddler Workforce in Illinois
In Illinois, there are nearly 11,000 licensed center-based and home-based early care and education programs licensed to serve infants and toddlers. This data brief describes the characteristics of teaching staff working with infants and toddlers in licensed center-based programs in order to provide context for considering policy and programmatic supports for this workforce.
Illinois Salary and Staffing Survey of Licensed Child Care Facilities FY2015
This report describes: (1) the number of qualified caregivers attracted to vacant positions and any problems encountered by facilities in attracting and retaining capable caregivers; (2) the qualifications of new caregivers hired at licensed child care facilities during the previous two-year period; and (3) the average wages and salaries and fringe benefits paid to caregivers throughout the State computed on a regional basis.
Market Rate Survey of Licensed Child Care Program in Illinois FY2014
In order to receive Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) funds, every state must conduct a market rate survey or use an alternative methodology to analyze whether child care subsidies adequately allow child care subsidy recipients equitable choice and access among child care providers. This report includes analysis of data as of December 31, 2013 to determine the market rate for child care as defined by license status, type of care, child age, and geographic region.
Poverty and Young Children in Illinois (Infographic)
In 2013, 1 in 5 children under the age of 6 in Illinois lived in poverty. Recent census data reveals that just over one-third of Illinois counties experienced an increase in child poverty in 2013. View the data sources for this infographic.
Illinois Families and the Cost of Child Care FY 2013 Report
The field of early care and education has a well-known trilemma of quality, affordability, and availability – efforts to increase or improve one aspect may decrease or reduce others. This report puts valuable data into the hands of parents, early care and education programs, and policy makers to inform them in making the best decisions for children and families in Illinois.